How to write a professional construction cover letter for a job application that lands you an interview.
Your Conecta Profile, accompanied by a good CV will be enough to match you to great opportunities. You may either be invited to apply directly by an employer or decide to apply on your own. Either way, you don’t have to write a cover letter, it’s just best practice and ensures you give the employer the best insight into why you’re the best person for the role.
A great cover letter has the following attributes:
- Date
- Job Title
- Why you want to work for the company
- Why you’re leaving your current job/company
- How your experience matches the job profile
- How you’ll add value to the company
1. Date
Date the letter. This shows your application letter has been written specifically for this application.
2. Job Title
Always write the name of the job. Again, it shows your cover letter has been written specifically for this application.
3. Why you want to work for the company
Tell them why you want to work there. What is it about the company you like? For example, have they completed projects that you like? Think:
- Project type
- Project cost
- Style
- Timeline/delivery
- Interesting tech usage
- Workmanship
- Etc
Is it their people and culture? Think:
- Family feel team
- High precision team
- Open communicators
- Client focussed delivery
Do they have more opportunity for career development, growth & movement?
4. Why you’re leaving your current job/company
You can tie this back into why you want to work at this company. What doesn’t your current role/company do/offer that you want? What is it about where you’re currently employed that makes you want to leave? This part should be kept brief and positive. Don’t bad mouth your current employer, just say what you want that you aren’t getting where you currently are.
- You need job stability (Coming to the end of a project)
- You want to take the next step (No growth opportunities)
- You want to learn from company leaders (No mentoring programs)
- You want a different culture fit (From family to high precision team)
- You want a more balanced life (Long hours & expectations)
- You want to widen your knowledge & skills (Not enough depth of project type)
5. Why you think you’re suitable and the value you bring.
How does what you’ve done in your career match the expectations of the job? Think:
- Types of projects you’ve worked on that match this role & company
- Responsibilities you’ve already managed
- Skills you have
*If you’re applying for a job a level above where you currently are, tell them you’re ready to take the step and why. What makes you think you’re ready?

A Special Word On Mindset
It’s really important to be in the right mindset when you’re writing your application. If you begin the process thinking you’re not a good fit for the role or you’re wavering in your ability to deliver, the words you use in your application will reflect this.
We can’t stress this enough: Be intentional with your mindset.
Before you begin writing your cover letter, write down why you want this job and why you think it’s a perfect fit for you.
- Why are you the best fit?
- Dealing with uncertainty.
1. Write down why you’re the best fit
List all the positive reasons that make you the person who can deliver for the employer. Imagine yourself already working there.
- How does it feel?
- What does your day look like?
- What are you wearing?
- How did you get to work?
- Are you on site or in the office?
- What’s the project?
If you can picture yourself already in the role, already having been through the application process and having been successful, the words you choose to write your letter with will carry this certainty in them.
2. Dealing with uncertainty
If you’re uncertain in your ability to be the successful applicant, write down the areas you believe let you down. Examples:
- A skill
- A length of time
- Types of project worked on
- Leadership quality
Now write down how you could bridge the gap between what you need and what you perceive yourself as missing. You don’t need to act on this, you just need to have a plan for how you could if need be.
This is a mental strategy to get you in the right frame of mind to be certain in your ability to deliver in this new role. Planning for what keeps you uncertain, removes the uncertainty. It’s when you don’t plan for your fears that you remain stuck in worry about the “what ifs” of the future.
Now, once you feel certain you’re the best person for the role and you’ve imagined yourself already working there, go ahead and write your awesome cover letter.
Construction companies are hiring construction management professional right now on Conecta. Create a profile to apply directly to their hiring team today.
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