Chase was established in 2003 in Canberra to provide design and construction services to public and private clients for the delivery of commercial and high-density residential projects.
In this time, developers have trusted our team of professionals to deliver award-winning and contemporary buildings known for superb finishes and attention to detail.
Why Work For Us
In 2016 the Melbourne office was established and managed by a local with over 30 years experience in the Melbourne construction industry.
Both businesses are enjoying steady growth and success albeit in Melbourne the pandemic had provided disruption.
The Melbourne business is modelled as a small boutique builder and wants to focus on a short select number of clients and projects at any one time.
We bring Tier 1 learnings, disciplines and management tools to the smaller tier market and pave the way for success with a real focus of all aspects of the delivery process.
Want to work for Chase Constructions?
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Value $15M.
35 Apartments in Northcote due to commence in 2022.
Commencing 2022
31 Abbott St Sandringham
Value $7M.
13 Luxury Apartments in Sandringham to commence July 2021.
Commencing July 2021
1 Reynolds St Hampton East
Value $20M.
68 apartments in Hampton East commencing December 2021.
Hampton East
Commencing December 2021
BLVD Gardens
Value $10M.
Stage 1a, Enabling works for 49 Townhomes.
Completed August 2020
Carlton Street
Value $10M.
Residential project comprises of 27 apartments located in Prahran. The project consists of a 6-level built over three levels of basement parking. Design features include ground floor food and beverage tenancies. Featuring rooftop penthouses with private terraces.
Completed July 2019
Rose Street Fitzroy
Value $6M.
Residential project comprises of 17 apartments built over a 6 levels located in the heart of Fitzroy. Architecturally achieving the integration of local and historic sensitivity, creativity and innovation. The frontage will feature a vertical garden as the centrepiece of the design.
Completed April 2020
The Grove Apartments
Value $6M.
24 Apartments completed March 2020.
Jasper Rd, Bentleigh
Completed May 2018
Victorian GM | Greg Oddo
You get more input working for a Tier 3 builder than a Tier 1 builder.
Greg Oddo
General Manager | Chase Construction (Victoria)
With a career spanning 30 years, Greg has been involved in a diverse range of projects including a number of landmark buildings. Starting his professional career in 1987 as a Graduate Site Engineer progressing to Construction Manager and now General Manager he has worked for a number of high profile construction companies including Leighton, Lend Lease, Multiplex, Baulderstone Hornibrook and Lewis Construction Co.
MBA Award Winning Project 2018 – [Greenwich] Winner Apartments and units 4 Storeys & above.
MBA Award Winning Project 2016 – [Element] Winner Apartment and Units 4 Storeys or above.