Construction Management Candidate Marketplace

Instant access to in-demand construction management professionals open to new opportunities.

construction professional on a work site with a yellow hard hat and in a group of men

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Reach the professionals that matter. Find and connect with talented construction professionals with the right qualifications, skills and experience for your construction business.

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Access a niche pool of construction management candidates, each pre-vetted for experience and skills.

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Build talent pipelines for future projects

Get ahead of project requirements by building talent pools of good-fit candidates to hit the ground running.

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Case Studies


Jardon Group

Jardon Group delivers projects across the commercial, residential, community, education & capital works from $5m-$25m. 

Jardon Group have successfully hired 18 construction professionals using Conecta over a 2+ year period.

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How It Work

Bowden Corp

Bowden Corp delivers commercial construction projects $5m – $30m+ across aged care, commercial, community, education, government, health, heritage and recreation sectors.

Bowden Corp have successfully hired 8 professionals using Conecta over a 9 month period.

View Case Study

How It Work

Baxter Projects

Baxter Projects is a professional provider of commercial building fit-outs and refurbishments in the health, education, hospitality and office sectors in Victoria. 


Baxter successfully hired 7 construction professionals over a 6 month period using Conecta.

View Case Study

How It Work